The main types of coffee makers for the home. Detailed characteristics of each device type
Range of modern devices for the kitchenintended for making coffee at home, surprises with its diversity. Due to the large number of different models, it will be difficult to choose a coffee maker without special knowledge, which means you need to be responsible in choosing the device.
To enjoy an invigorating drink every day, before purchasing a coffee maker, you should study what characteristics all types and types of devices have, get acquainted with all kinds of models, their features and the principle of operation.
To choose a reliable and proven coffee maker, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular models in terms of price and quality ratio.
The table contains the models that received the highest reviews on the Yandex.Market service.
Place | Model | |
Horn models | ||
#1 | De'Longhi Dedica EC 685 | |
#2 | De'Longhi ECP 33.21 | |
#3 | REDMOND RCM-1511 | |
#4 | REDMOND RCM-CBM1514 | |
Capsule models | ||
#1 | Nespresso C30 Essenza Mini | |
#2 | Krups Dolce Gusto KP 100B Piccolo | |
#3 | Bosch TAS 1401/1402/1403/1404/1407 Tassimo | |
#4 | De'Longhi Nespresso ENV | |
Automatic coffee machines | ||
#1 | Melitta Caffeo Solo | |
#2 | Krups EA810B70 Essential | |
#3 | Philips EP1000/00 | |
#4 | Jura A1 Piano Black | |
Drip coffee makers | ||
#1 | Philips HD7767 Grind & Brew | |
#2 | Kitfort KT-719 | |
#3 | REDMOND SkyCoffee M1509S | |
#4 | Gorenje ATCM730T | |
Electronic Turkish coffee makers | ||
#1 | Beko BKK 2300 | |
#2 | ENDEVER Costa-1005 | |
#3 | VES electric V-FS21 | |
Electronic geyser-coffee makers | ||
#1 | De'Longhi Alicia EMKM 6 | |
#2 | Rommelsbacher EKO 366/E | |
#3 | Ariete 1358 |
Differences between coffee makers and coffee machines
Quick preparation of delicious coffee is the main function of any coffee makers and coffee machines. Despite this similarity, in the ways of implementing the main task, these devices have differences.
The device is able to perform all operations: from grinding coffee beans just before brewing to heating and filling several cups. Some models of coffee machines can be synchronized with the smart home system and prepare a drink on a signal received through a mobile application.
Coffee makers, in turn, are distinguished by an affordable price, compact size, little functionality, a variety of designs and models..
The advantages of coffee makers include low noise level., because compared to a coffee machine, during coffee preparation, the device practically does not make any sounds and, most likely, will not be able to cause an early rise of all family members.
All appliances for brewing coffee are divided into three varieties:
- Automatic. Programmable devices with dozens of different cooking programs. They perform the specified functions without requiring constant monitoring by the user.
- semi-automatic. The devices have partial automation, they measure the required amount of water and turn off on their own immediately after the coffee is prepared.
- Manual. Such models are manually filled with ground coffee and water, after which they are installed on an electric or gas stove, since there is no heating element in them.
When choosing a device for preparing coffee drinks at home, it is important to consider that There are several different types of coffee makers., with which it is easy to brew aromatic coffee for the whole family.
Among all electrical appliances for brewing coffee drip coffee makers are considered the simplest and most affordable. The device consists of a non-removable water tank, a filter with a funnel for crushed grains, a boiler for heating the liquid and a separate container for the finished drink. Modern models also have an auto-off function, a delayed start timer and power indicators.
Principle of operation
drip coffee maker works according to the following principle:
From the reservoir located at the rear of the appliance, water moves to the boiler.
- After entering the boiler the liquid begins to heat up and rises up the tube.
- Leaking through the filter with ground coffee, the liquid enters the container for the prepared drink.
- The brewing process is considered complete after all the water has passed through the filter and is in the tank..
- simplicity and ease of use;
- the ability to cook several servings at the same time;
- pleasant taste of the finished drink;
- reliability and safety of the structure;
- a wide range of models;
- democratic price.
- you can only make espresso or americano;
- the drink is not strong enough;
- the need for regular cleaning and filter replacement;
- high consumption of coffee.
Carob coffee maker designed for preparing classic espresso and drinks based on it.
The product got its name due to the nest, which is filled with coffee powder - it is called a holder or a horn.
Horn models are often equipped with a cappuccinatore, an auto-off function and a built-in coffee grinder.
Principle of operation
Carob units are of two types: pump and steam. The principle of operation of pump devices is based on the passage of boiling water under high pressure through ground coffee.. In the second case, steam works instead of hot water.
- quick coffee preparation
- function to maintain the temperature of the drink;
- low consumption of ground coffee;
- the drink is obtained with a delicate creamy foam;
- additional functionality;
- long service life.
- difficulties in caring for equipment;
- little variation in recipes;
- dimensions;
- high price.
Capsule coffee maker - this is automated device for the preparation of coffee, packaged in portioned vacuum capsules.
The device is often called a coffee machine, because in order to get a portion of the drink, the user only needs to install the capsule and press the power button.
Nevertheless, the capsule machine is not a full-fledged coffee machine, since it has limited functionality.
The coffee maker includes a heating module, an electronic unit, a pump, a brewing system for inserting and piercing the capsule, and a water dispenser.
Principle of operation
After installation capsules into the coffee maker a hollow needle pierces it in several places and passes through it water heated to 90 degrees under pressure. After a minute, the resulting coffee drink falls into the cup. After this process, it remains only to remove the used capsule along with the coffee grounds.
- taste and quality of the finished drink;
- variety of colors and shapes;
- simplicity and speed of preparation;
- ergonomic design;
- ease of maintenance of the device;
- compact size;
- low noise level.
- the cost of the device and capsules;
- the impossibility of using capsules of the same type for coffee makers of different brands.
By their appearance geyser coffee makers resemble a small teapot, consisting of two parts.
At the bottom of the device there is a compartment for water, complemented by a strainer for ground coffee, and at the top - a reservoir for the finished drink.
Geyser type coffee makers divided into two types: gas and electric. To brew coffee in an electrical appliance, you need an outlet, and devices for preparing a drink on gas can be taken with you to nature and brew coffee on a fire.
Additional functions help to optimize the process of making coffee. Among them there is a digital timer, indicator light, auto power off and short circuit protection function.
Principle of operation
The principle of operation is the same for any geyser-type coffee maker:
- Water is poured into the bottom of the device.
- The filter is filled with coffee and screwed to the device, after which it is covered with another plate.
- The liquid heats up and gradually turns into steam.
- The moisture pushed by the steam moves along the tube that leads to the coffee filter and slowly passes through it.
- After the liquid has seeped through the powder, it is filtered by a removable plate and enters the tube of the upper reservoir.
- Enriched with taste and aroma, the liquid is poured from the tube into the coffee pot, from where the drink can be poured into a cup.
- coffee does not escape during the brewing process;
- lack of coffee grounds in the finished drink;
- rich taste of coffee;
- in the coffee maker you can brew tea and medicinal herbs;
- the device does not take up much space in the kitchen;
- low price;
- ease of operation.
- the need to replace the filter and gasket;
- only coarse coffee is used for brewing;
- risk of burns on metal structural elements.
Electric Turks
Electric Turk designed to quickly brew a coffee drink without much effort.
The device is similar to a classic cezve, as it has a narrow top, a wide base and a comfortable handle.
However, unlike ordinary Turks, electrical appliance consists of a housing with an internal flask for ground coffee, a heating element, a moisture-proof gasket, a stand with contacts, a power cord and a plug.
The electrical appliance differs from the usual Turks in volume. The device is able to prepare up to 500 ml of aromatic coffee at a time.
Principle of operation
The principle of operation of an electric Turk is practically the same as an electric kettle.:
- The tank, equipped with a heating element, is mounted on a stand.
- The device is connected to the mains, after which the tubular electric heater located in the lower part of the tank brings the liquid to a boil.
- After the brewing process is completed, the Turk is turned off automatically or with the help of the user.
- fast coffee brewing process;
- optimal volume of the tank;
- Ease of use;
- compactness;
- the device can be taken with you on a trip or to work;
- simple design;
- modern design;
- price.
- the device must be periodically cleaned of scale;
- insufficiently saturated taste of the drink;
- Some models do not have an auto-off feature.
Ordinary Turks
Turk – traditional coffee maker, which can be made from copper, ceramic, stainless steel, aluminum, or clay. On sale there are also cezves made of glass, silver and brass.
The taste of the finished drink largely depends on the proportions and shape of the product. For uniform heating, the Turk must have a conical shape, have a narrow neck and a thick wide bottom..
Principle of operation
Like any other dish the Turk works by heating and heat transfer. Inside the container, coffee powder, sugar are poured and cold water is poured. Then the cezve is installed on a gas or induction stove (depending on the material from which the device is made). The drink is brewed for 7-8 minutes and poured into a cup.
- exquisite taste of the drink;
- coffee stays hot for a long time;
- strength and reliability;
- pleasant appearance;
- universality;
- small weight and size;
- ease of care and storage;
- long service life;
- democratic price.
- the Turk is easy to damage and deform;
- lack of additional functions;
- during the brewing process, the drink may lose some of its taste and aromatic qualities.
The pod coffee maker is a device similar to a carob-type coffee maker.
In the pod unit, the holder is only slightly changed, due to which it is much easier to make coffee.
Instead of crushed beans, a pod is placed in the coffee maker - a bag of compacted coffee powder for preparing one cup of drink.
Principle of operation
The device works on the principle of a capsule coffee maker. The only difference is that instead of special capsules for the preparation of the drink, pressed coffee in a tightly closed package is used.
- preparing a drink without losing its aromatic properties;
- automated brewing process;
- silent operation;
- compactness;
- simple maintenance of the device;
- ground coffee consumption control.
- high price of pods for coffee makers;
- the variety of flavors is limited;
- coffee tablets are hard to find in stores;
- only one portion can be cooked at a time;
- the inability to adjust the strength of the drink.
Summing up, it is worth noting the main features of each coffee maker:
- Drip - ideal for making delicious black coffee.
- Carob - will help to cook both espresso and gentle cappuccino.
- Capsular - an expensive device that will appeal to its interesting design and the ability to experiment.
- Geysernaya - a budget option that allows you to get a quality drink in a matter of minutes.
- Electric Turk - a convenient device for brewing coffee at home or in the office.
- Ordinary Turk - suitable for lovers of classic rich coffee.
- Chaldovaya – a compact coffee maker for quick and clean preparation of a drink.
Useful video
This video provides detailed characteristics of the types of coffee makers:

Coffee prepared in different coffee makers will differ in taste and aroma, because each device has a certain principle of operation and functionality.
Knowing the descriptions of the listed devices, it is much easier to make a choice, however, it is also important to take into account your financial capabilities and preferences.